A day to show LOVE,prove LOVE,share LOVE,
It's a day like this that births  true,pure LOVE,
So that LOVES birthday,is like your child's birth,
A joy to treasure and measure your own LOVE,
As you look back,think forward in celebration of,
LOVE a relationship,between two for one onty,
That you give up self for the other selfless,not
Selfish,self ambitious,self-centred,but fair,share,
This is proof of care,faithfulness,loyality and LOVE.
Love always marries for better or worse promises,
Then keeps it,even if it hurts,its hard or too heavy,
Truth is a contract,keep in contact by two hearts,
Which beat in unity,singing the same song your,
Dancing the same rythem,taking steps for LOVE,
Know that at no one TIME,is LOVE equal but giving,
Like planting seeds,you'll reap a bigger harvest give.
Its no lie to say its better to give than receieve so sow.
Only your action reveals your hearts hidden taughts,
So that if its LOVE you honor the contract,keep in 
                    SINCERE FAITHFUL LOVE.


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